Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Weekly NDM

PS4 sells 1m in US, despite mixed reviews and technical issues

PS4: Joey Chiu is the first to buy Sony's next-gen console at the Standard High Line in New York

The next generation of video game consoles has got off to a seemingly rousing start. Sony claimed on Sunday that it had sold 1 million PlayStation 4's after the machine's North American launch on 15 November – an achievement largely predicted by strong global pre-order figures. The consumer electronics giant is expecting to sell 5 million units worldwide by 31 March 2014. Media analysis firm IHS predicts sales of 2.4m by 31 December.

The figure makes this one of the most successful console launch periods in the modern era. Nintendo's Wii, the biggest selling machine of the previous generation, took eight days to sell 600,000 units in the US.

I believe that the Playstation4 is going to be a huge success because there are thousands of people who are big fans of Playstation globally. The fact that they have improved most of the technical a graphical features will make all  Playstation gamers excited and and eager to purchase it. The Playstaion4 is literally the best console out right now so there will be a lot of sales even though there were some  slight technical issues.

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