Monday, 30 September 2013

MOCK ESSAY feedback


  • Decent essay 
  • Accurate writing 
  • Attempted to write both sides of the story

  • No conclution 
  • Needs to be longer 
  • More examples 
  • Dont repeat the same type of points for the different types of media 

Monday, 16 September 2013

weekly ndm story

We have abandoned our children to the internet
InRealLife Beeban Kidron
A year ago I walked into my kitchen to find half a dozen teenagers there, each one engrossed with their own private screen in silence. I realised it had been months since I'd seen a teenager without a computer or smartphone in their hand. I decided there and then to make a film on the subject, the beginning of a year-long journey that took me from the fibre-optic cables in the sewers of London to spending endless, unedifying hours in bedrooms of teenage boys as they watched porn.

i personally agree with this with this article becasue so many teenagers cant live without their phones and also even adults cant go a day without using electronic devices. Many people have become attatched to these devices that they depend of them.